Wherever you go...



I am still catching up my thoughts and events that have happened over the last year, bringing us to where we are now. We had started talking about how the things we wanted were changing from what they’d been before. Deep down, we didn’t want to leave Costa Rica last year, we wanted to keep on traveling around and discovering new places. It was really hard coming back to the states and going back to our jobs. After we quit our jobs and moved further south in California we spent the next year working and just enjoying the new area that we were in. Quitting my job in Los Angeles circled me back to my licensed profession, which is cosmetology. It’s funny, all that time showed me just how much I really loved the profession I had originally chosen. It was like someone hit the refresh button and I had come back a more passionate, focused, and creative person.

After much much soul searching and late night discussions Jeff and I chose to sell practically all of our possessions, except for the things that had real meaning to us like things we had from our childhood. We also got married (wedding post coming) and we moved to a foreign country all in a matter of about 3 months. If you had asked me 10 years ago I would have never thought that I would have traveled this much so far let alone be living in a different country. Right after we arrived in Costa Rica and moved all of our things into our house here we basically hit the ground running. New family members were visiting almost every week and there was always something to do.

One of the first things I did was attended a local yoga class with Jeff and my mother and father in law. The class was located not even 100m from the beach and the whole class you could close your eyes and hear the waves crashing; it was beautiful. That class was the first time in probably at least a year that I was able to take a very deep breath and relax. I was so overcome with emotion I practically had to pinch myself. I couldn’t believe that after those last few trying months, all the ups and downs, we had finally accomplished one of the many things that we had wanted to. I couldn’t believe the place I was in, that we had been given the opportunity to be in a place this beautiful with some of the people that I cherish most.

This is a place that some people only dream of and here I am getting to live in it with my best friend. Even if it is just for a short while, I will always remember and have a place in my heart for Costa Rica. It is a beautiful country and life is so simple, life is how it should be. This beautiful world was put here for us to explore, enjoy, find new adventure, and just admire the beauty around us that is sometimes so hard to see. Life gets so clouded with all of the negative going on in the world, but I don’t want that to define my life. So I am choosing to see the beauty in an ugly world and seek out the adventure that this world has to offer and this is just beginning for us.





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Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog!Read More

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