Taking the Plunge

I have been trying to catch up on all the time that I have missed on my blog, which has been near impossible because the last few months have been so hectic I haven’t been able to really catch my breath until now. I wanted to share a couple of things, because my blog is going to be taking a little bit of a different direction. I will still be sharing my health & beauty discoveries, but will be transitioned into more of a lifestyle/ travel blog and I’m sharing what brought on this change.

This travel bug that has become so strong in my life began when I was a little girl, but I never imagined the places that I would be able to go. Truth be told, if you had told me back then that I would be where I am right now and getting ready to fulfill some of my biggest dreams I would have told you that you were bluffing. I watched my parents my whole life work as hard as they possibly could to provide for our family and we traveled frequently when we could, but it was always so hard to travel out of the country. I am so grateful for the places that I did get to go, because it planted the seed and it only grew stronger.

Moving to Los Angeles was a little bit of an eye opener for me realizing that there was so much to discover. Then at the end of last year one of my biggest dreams came true, Jeff took me to Europe. We got to visit Paris and Amsterdam and when we got home all I could think about was going back. Not long after that we both were presented with the opportunity to go to Costa Rica for a little over a month. His family had talked so much about their love for this beautiful place and none of their stories could have actually prepared me for just what to expect in that place. The only thing hanging in the way for me and getting to go was my job. It was a very crucial time for me, because I had been at this job for too long and was completely miserable. I knew it wasn’t where I was supposed to be. It was probably the first time in my life that I was close to a breakdown, I was exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally. I knew I had to do something, I wasn’t going to let myself be miserable any longer even if that meant we would have to minimize our lifestyle. You hear of people quitting their jobs and traveling, well I did it. With the biggest support of my partner, I jumped with my entire body and it was completely terrifying and also 100% worth it.

I cannot describe the feeling that took over my whole being the first few days being in Costa Rica. Even though there was poverty, I met so many people who barely had anything but were some of the happiest people I have ever met. When we came back to the states, we both began to take a really hard look at where we were in life and realize how much “stuff” we had. We were tired of Los Angeles and wanted to be somewhere a little more remote, we missed the smaller town feel that home had and wanted to be closer to San Diego, so we moved further south. We moved in early May last year and fell in love with the area that we picked. Even being in a new city that we enjoyed and talked about raising a family in we still felt like something was missing. We began talking about what we truly wanted in life and what we needed to do to get to that point. Little did we know that these thoughts and discussions were just the beginning movements that set something much bigger into motion.


…to be continued…



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Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog!Read More

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