Costa Rican Diaries: No Sleep & All Play

All the days are slowly drifting together, we arrived in Tamarindo, Costa Rica on Tuesday morning at 6am after a 5 hour flight from LA. Our flight took off around 11pm and we barely slept on the plane – going off of 30 hours and no sleep the ocean was still calling our names. The drive from the airport took about an hour and it was slightly terrifying to say the least. The little windy roads with no real designated lines, cows crossing the street and barrelling right towards pedestrians signaling “get out of the way or else” made for an interesting car ride from the airport.

We arrived at the place we would be calling home for the next month and had to sit in the van waiting for the owner to let us in the gate of the complex. Our driver called the owner after waiting about 10 minutes and nobody coming to the gate. “5 minutes” he said, the employees were on the way but their bus had been delayed. We were in no rush so we waited patiently for the employee to arrive. Once they arrived, we practically ran into our unit to drop off all of our stuff, dig out our swimsuits and head down to the beach. All of us eager to jump into that salty water and play in the waves like little kids.

The water here is very warm – you can actually swim in the water without a wet suit.  The people are very friendly even though Tamarindo is more of a touristy area and there are constantly people walking along the beach trying to sell little trinkets to the tourists.  We played in the water for the remainder of the day and along with the rest of the town gathered on the beach to watch the beautiful sunset.


This was the perfect way to end our first day in Costa Rica, sipping on a cerveza with our bums in the sand watching the sun go down.





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