Costa Rican Diaries: Animal Adventures & Moving

As I sit in our back yard, listening to the trickle of the pool at Casa Tropical my heart is so full. We have officially been in Costa Rica going on three full weeks and going on our fourth, the longest I have ever been on away from home. I keep having this feeling that the trip is supposed to end soon, but then I realize that we still have 4 more weeks. I have absolutely fallen in love with this beautiful place. From the terrifying howl/ growl of the howler monkeys (usually at night) to tiny geckos in your apartment, I love it all. I can’t get over all of the nature that surrounds us. Since we have been here we have seen howler monkeys (once gotten way too close), iguanas, geckos, sting rays, jelly fish, dolphins and the trip isn’t even over yet. All of my nature senses are on overload and I can’t wait to see more.

This little monkey got way too close for comfort when he decided to climb through the gate of our complex and chase us through the pool yard. Of course I was the last one to realize that he was actually coming through the gate and only being about 2 ft away from him I turned around and high tailed it out of there (they have a reputation of being mean) . That didn’t work to my advantage because the cement around our pool is like ice, especially when running in flip flops and of course everyone heard the thud of Ellie falling and slamming into the ground. Even though my knee was f****d up I knew the monkey was still behind me so I jumped up and hobbled up our stairs to “safety”. Sadly my pura vida sunset drink that had been in my hand wasn’t so lucky as most of it ended up all over me and in a splat pattern on the ground as proof of where I had eaten shit. At least we were all laughing about it after the fact realizing the little monkey was just wandering aimlessly around not doing any harm.


We also had to move housing while here as our first condo was not very well equipped for living in for over a month. We got super lucky because we found an actual house with everything we needed for the remainder of our time here. Needless to say our adventure moving from one condo to the house that was only about a mile away was quite comical. Of course we couldn’t find a taxi that was bigger than a little compact car and having 2 long boards, 1 paddle board, 3 huge suitcases, a 5 gallon jug of water, all of our refrigerated groceries, plus our 4 bodies we knew it would be epic. The car bottomed out once or twice but we made it to our new place with everything in tact and nothing lost off the roof of the car. We are now preparing for our weekend trip to Nicaragua which I am beyond excited for, we will be staying in San Juan Del Sur and visiting the old town of Granada. More adventure stories and photos coming soon…




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Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog!Read More

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