Ever since Costa Rica, I have not had a good margarita. Our favorite place, elchiringuito had the best margaritas and definitely had their recipe down to a science. The secret ingredient? They actually fresh squeeze their lime juice, so none of that store bought margarita mix. I have been craving a good margarita since we’ve been back and I decided to attempt to make my own mix. It probably will never match up to elchiringuito’s but it’s worth a shot.
We recently moved out of Los Angeles and closer to San Diego, one thing that I love about down here is the small town feel, it reminds me of home. I recently discovered a little mom and pop fruit and veggie market where all of the produce is a steal! I stocked up on limes and got a couple of other veggies I needed and somehow wound up spending only $5. I will say now, unless you dare do not proceed with attempting this recipe until you have a juicer or juice press. I did not. I literally squeezed 12 limes all by hand into a pitcher. My hands are now killing me, lesson learned.

I only got about 15 limes and squeezed 12 of them, I would recommend doubling this amount to have extra mix left over to store for future margaritas. My batch only made enough for about 2 margaritas. Once you have squeezed all of your limes into a pitcher (about 2 cups) set aside and heat 2 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar on the stove until all of the sugar has been dissolved. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from the heat and let it cool for about 10-15 minutes. Once your water and sugar mixture has cooled a bit combine the lime juice and water mixture and stir. Transfer to whatever kind of bottle you will be storing the mix in and put in the refrigerator.

After making my own mix, I will never go back to buying store mix. If you’re not sure what kind of tequila to use I highly recommend the brand I got called Reposado Tequila.

The end result…

- 20-25 limes (Should make about 2 Cups of lime juice)
- 2 Cups of Water
- 1 Cup of Sugar
Start by squeezing all of your limes so that you have about 2 Cups of lime juice. Combine 2 Cups of water and 1 Cup of sugar in a pot and heat on the stove until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once the sugar is dissolved, remove the pan from the burner and let sit for about 10-15 min to cool down.
Once the mixture is cool combine the lime juice and the water mixture and stir. Transfer the mix into whatever container you will store it in the fridge.
Cheers to trying this out for yourself and enjoy some margaritas!