• Bacon Gorgonzola Brussel Sprouts

    Lately, I’ve been getting lots of requests from people for one of my favorite recipes, so I am sharing and hopefully you all will love it. When I was younger I never liked cabbage or... Read More

  • Don't Be the Only Thing Standing In Your Way

      A Little Background on My Health Journey: I have been constantly yo-yo-ing with my diet and getting discouraged along the way for the last couple of years. I am a relatively small person being... Read More

  • Avocado Tomatoast

    Since I have cut out bread from my diet I have been struggling only because I am kind of obsessed with making avocado toast. However, just because I love it doesn’t mean I can make... Read More

  • DIY Kombucha

    This was a post that I had started a while back and just never got to publishing, however it fits perfectly with my recent health journey and so I wanted to share my experience with... Read More

  • Classic Homemade Margarita Mix

    Ever since Costa Rica, I have not had a good margarita. Our favorite place, elchiringuito had the best margaritas and definitely had their recipe down to a science. The secret ingredient? They actually fresh squeeze their... Read More

  • Chipotle Pepper Chili Recipe

    Stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing one of my favorite recipes with you all. I hope you enjoy! When I was little one of my favorite foods my mom would make was her... Read More

About Me

Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog! Read More

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