• Baring it all

    I’ve always been a little self conscious about going without makeup, but this trip has definitely forced me out of my comfort zone. Makeup and styling your hair everyday is something that quickly falls to... Read More

  • My Favorite Sun Products

    Also still seriously obsessed with these SunBum products. I have used the spf chapstick and UV protectant spray multiple times daily. It helps that it makes me smell like I constantly bathe in coconut –... Read More

  • SunBum

    New favorite beach product for my hair: SunBum 3 in 1 Leave In spray.  With it’s UV protection and coconut oil it’s the perfect combination of hair therapy for that salty ocean water. lovellie  

  • Oh My Hair!

    It felt like the perfect timing to bring up those pushed in the back of our mind memories of bad hairstyles. We’ve all had them – you take the leap to try a new hairstylist... Read More

  • Curly Hair Don't Care

    Time to talk some hair. Growing up with curly frizzy hair I practically made it my mission in life to find products and hairstyles to contain the disaster on top of my head. Needless to... Read More

  • Morning Ritual

    You know those few items that you absolutely cannot live without? Maybe that’s a little extreme, but there are definitely a few pieces of my morning routine that make getting ready a lot easier. Since... Read More

  • Is It Magic?

    You have all heard the saying, coconut oil fixes everything…….. The skin we live with can sometimes be a frustrating thing. That pesky pimple that surfaces or that little dry patch on your cheek or... Read More

  • Goodbye LA, Bon Jour Paris!

    My boyfriend, Jeff of 7 years and I just returned from a two week trip to Paris – my first time. I could barley sleep the night before because of my excitement. Our travel day... Read More

About Me

Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog! Read More

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