• Bacon Gorgonzola Brussel Sprouts

    Lately, I’ve been getting lots of requests from people for one of my favorite recipes, so I am sharing and hopefully you all will love it. When I was younger I never liked cabbage or... Read More

  • Not Messin' Around Huevos Rancheros

    I’ve been craving huevos rancheros for the last few days so I decided to finally satisfy my craving and make some this morning. So yummy! Not Messin’ Around Huevos Rancheros For the Sauce: 2 Cups... Read More

  • Don't Be the Only Thing Standing In Your Way

      A Little Background on My Health Journey: I have been constantly yo-yo-ing with my diet and getting discouraged along the way for the last couple of years. I am a relatively small person being... Read More

  • Avocado Tomatoast

    Since I have cut out bread from my diet I have been struggling only because I am kind of obsessed with making avocado toast. However, just because I love it doesn’t mean I can make... Read More

  • Wherever you go...

      I am still catching up my thoughts and events that have happened over the last year, bringing us to where we are now. We had started talking about how the things we wanted were... Read More

  • DIY Kombucha

    This was a post that I had started a while back and just never got to publishing, however it fits perfectly with my recent health journey and so I wanted to share my experience with... Read More

  • Taking the Plunge

    I have been trying to catch up on all the time that I have missed on my blog, which has been near impossible because the last few months have been so hectic I haven’t been... Read More

  • Classic Homemade Margarita Mix

    Ever since Costa Rica, I have not had a good margarita. Our favorite place, elchiringuito had the best margaritas and definitely had their recipe down to a science. The secret ingredient? They actually fresh squeeze their... Read More

  • Chipotle Pepper Chili Recipe

    Stepping out of my comfort zone and sharing one of my favorite recipes with you all. I hope you enjoy! When I was little one of my favorite foods my mom would make was her... Read More

  • Costa Rican Diaries: Hidden Beaches & Happy Hearts

    One of our last great adventures through Costa Rica was to Jeff’s family’s absolute favorite hidden paradise two weekends ago, Esterillos Oeste. The car trip down to Esterillos was probably one of my favorite experiences... Read More

About Me

Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog!Read More

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