Bacon Gorgonzola Brussel Sprouts

Lately, I’ve been getting lots of requests from people for one of my favorite recipes, so I am sharing and hopefully you all will love it. When I was younger I never liked cabbage or brussel sprouts, but as I’ve gotten older my taste buds  and my knowledge of cooking have grown. One of my favorite side dishes (but for me could be a main dish) is brussel sprouts. My favorite way to cook them is on the stove top, I love to get them a little crispy before pulling them off.

To start, saute the onions & bacon in a little bit of olive oil (about 1 tbsp) until the bacon starts to get just a little crispy.

Once the onions are transparent and bacon has begun to get a little crispy add some balsalmic vinegar & brown sugar to the mix and turn up the heat a little, stirring occasionally. Let it start to simmer and caramelize (about 3-4 minutes). While the bacon & onions are caramelizing, I like to chop my brussel sprouts in halves they cook quicker and I like to have a the insides a little crispy.

Once the bacon & onions begin to look caramel-y add in your brussel sprouts and bring the heat back down in between medium-low. I add a lid at this point to let the brussel sprouts steam (usually takes mine about 15-20 minutes to really get to the tenderness I like). At this point you can pull the brussel sprouts off the stove, unless to like a little extra crisp like me. I turn the heat up again between medium-high and add the remaining oil if you feel they need it to let them get crispy and stir a few times so they don’t burn. Once they are crispy to your liking transfer the brussel sprouts to a big serving bowl add in Gorgonzola cheese, toss & enjoy while still warm! (Nobody likes cold brussel sprouts and if you do…well…)


Bacon Brussel Sprout Recipe (Serves 4-6 people)

  • 1 bag of whole brussel sprouts (or if you get the individual brussel sprouts about a 1lb)
  • 1/2 yellow onion chopped
  • 6-8 pieces of bacon
  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/4 C of Gorgonzola Cheese
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Candied Pecans & Dried Cranberries (optional)


  1. Chop your onions & cut bacon into 1/4″ slices then saute the chopped onions & bacon in a little bit of oil over medium heat.
  2. Once the onions are transparent and bacon has begun to get a little crispy add some balsamic vinegar & brown sugar to the mix and turn up the heat a little. Let simmer for 3-4 minutes stirring occasionally.
  3. Once the bacon & onions have begun caramelizing add the halved brussel sprouts. Turn heat to medium-low and cover with lid. Let steam for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Once the brussel sprouts are to the tenderness you like you can crisp them a little by turning up the heat between medium-high. Cook for another 2-3 minutes stirring a couple times so they don’t burn.
  5. Once crisp, remove & transfer to serving bowl and add in Gorgonzola cheese. (If you want to step it up a notch add in some candied pecans & dried cranberries)




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Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog!Read More

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