Avocado Tomatoast

Since I have cut out bread from my diet I have been struggling only because I am kind of obsessed with making avocado toast. However, just because I love it doesn’t mean I can make an exception to eat it, so I had to look for a substitute that is just as yummy and satisfies my craving.

Avocado Tomatoast:

2 poached eggs (or however you like them)
1/2 avocado (smashed)
1 C. of Spinach
2 Tbsp Feta Cheese
2 Slices of Tomato

Basically I have used the 2 slices of tomato as the “toast” so that it supports my tower of avocado, spinach, feta, and eggs.


It’s still not my true avocado toast, but it satisfied my craving and actually filled me up for most of the day. I only had a couple of small snacks throughout the afternoon before dinner. Even though I haven’t much cared for the taste, I have found spinach is good at keeping me feeling full longer.




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