Curly Hair Don't Care

Time to talk some hair. Growing up with curly frizzy hair I practically made it my mission in life to find products and hairstyles to contain the disaster on top of my head. Needless to say I had many good and bad hairstyles. When I was little I told my mom I wanted a Halle Berry haircut – you know the famous Catwoman pixie cut and lets just say don’t ever cut a 12 year old girls hair that short unless the intention is to look like a boy, because I did. I was traumatized to say the least. Once my hair grew back I was thankful, but the frizz was still overpowering. I began the “spray gel” look – which of course now I look back and think, oh god. The wet but dry look oh yes…just a quick flash back to help you visualize –   I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman, but truly looked like a frozen John Snow.                                                  .


As a young girl I was always jealous of my friends and girls that had the fine stick straight hair that had to put very little effort into drying their hair. To this day something has always puzzled me – I have had so many women tell me they wish their hair was curly like mine and I probably give them the “you’re crazy” look. I always laugh a little awkwardly and thank them but in my head I’m imaging the battle I fight every morning just to make sure my hair doesn’t look like I just came out of a wind tunnel. Oh, and you can forget the style lasting more than a day if it ends up in a pony tail. Those movie scenes of girls taking out there pony tail and it falling just perfectly – it’s not true for us curly haired women! After years I have finally grown to (most days) love my curly thick hair even though I get a little envious of the wake up and go look some people can pull off.

To my dismay even many professional products did nothing for my hair, some dried it out even more and others just made my hair feel dirty when it should have felt clean. My one constant has been Biolage by Matrix. Note: there is a huge difference between fine curly hair and medium-coarse curly hair. If your hair is fine this product may be too heavy and make your hair look greasy, but if your hair is like mine this just might be your miracle. They have different types for color treated hair, damaged hair, dry hair, and flat hair. My favorite is called the Hydrasource this is obviously for dry hair.


You can feel the difference even when you’re in the shower running your fingers through your hair with the conditioner. I don’t even really need any styling products, but I still throw a little Oi Oil by Davines on my ends to tame those little rebellious frizzies.


The oil is very thick so even with super dry hair you only need about 1-2 pumps. When applying do not start at the roots or even get anywhere close until the oil is almost completely off your hands. You will end up looking like you haven’t washed your hair in a week if you do – I learned this the hard way. Start applying at the ends of your hair massaging the oil in gently and slowly work your way up.

Where to buy: You can find the Biolage products pretty much anywhere, though I should warn you be careful when buying products from the store – some professional products can be altered for higher production and they wind up not being the real thing. It’s pretty easy to spot if the products are not legit – the labels will look slightly different and the fine print on the back can be altered. The Oi Oil can only be purchased online or at a salon. I would recommend purchasing any professional products from your favorite hairstylist to ensure you are getting your moneys worth as well.

I hope you give these amazing products a try and they work just as well for you as they have me.





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Hello, my name is Ellie. I love traveling, mastering different hairstyles and cooking. Welcome to my blog!Read More

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