Is It Magic?

You have all heard the saying, coconut oil fixes everything……..

The skin we live with can sometimes be a frustrating thing. That pesky pimple that surfaces or that little dry patch on your cheek or forehead, we all constantly deal with the little gifts that life’s daily stresses provide us. One of the many fads over the last couple years is coconut oil, suddenly everyone discovered it and all of it’s wonderful benefits.

I have always struggled with finding the right skincare products to use on my face. My skin qualifies as combination oily & dry, which has been very frustrating. I can’t use any products made for simply oily skin or for dry skin. I searched forever trying products from Proactive and Dermalogica to Clinque and Lancome. While some worked for the most part, there was always at least one thing that I would need to correct with a different product.

When I moved to LA one of my friends introduced me to and swore by coconut oil. I mean literally coconut oil for everything; from using it for oil pulling to cooking with it she was practically bathing in it. Due to my troubles in the past I was skeptical when she told me you can use it on your skin and even your face as a cleanser/ moisturizer. I thought, oil well that’s going to make my already oily skin glossy and even more shiny, but I have to tell you – I tried it and now I will never stop using it. Coconut oil is truly a miracle (note everybody’s skin is different so it may not work the same for you as others, but at least give it a try!).

Probably the experience that sold me the most on coconut oil was this last summer. I have blonde hair, blue eyes and very fair skin- a perfect target for sunburns. Moving from a place where the sun would take hours to even slightly leave a trace to being much closer to the equator it was easy for me to forget the sunscreen. This last summer I went to the beach with my friend who is much more tan than I am and loves to lay out in the sun. I love the sun and love to lay out, but I didn’t think of the ramifications of forgetting sunscreen and laying out in the direct sun for about 8 hours straight.

I got so burned that I actually wound up getting sun poisoning and all the doctor could tell me to do for my blistering lobster skin was put aloe on it and stay out of the sun. I was thinking “well, coconut oil is good for redness and is soothing” – so I gave it a try for days I slathered myself in coconut oil. My poor little nose was the worst – I had a giant blister covering the top of my nose. I used the coconut oil religiously for a couple of weeks and immediately began to see the healing start to take place.

Now that it’s healed, I have no scars at all and don’t worry yes I was back at the beach, but this time I had my hat, sunscreen, and beach umbrella!

So if you have been considering trying coconut oil but have been skeptical at least give it a try for a week or two you might just be surprised with the results and ALWAYS use sunscreen!





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