• Oh My Hair!

    It felt like the perfect timing to bring up those pushed in the back of our mind memories of bad hairstyles. We’ve all had them – you take the leap to try a new hairstylist... Read More

  • Curly Hair Don't Care

    Time to talk some hair. Growing up with curly frizzy hair I practically made it my mission in life to find products and hairstyles to contain the disaster on top of my head. Needless to... Read More

  • Morning Ritual

    You know those few items that you absolutely cannot live without? Maybe that’s a little extreme, but there are definitely a few pieces of my morning routine that make getting ready a lot easier. Since... Read More

  • Is It Magic?

    You have all heard the saying, coconut oil fixes everything…….. The skin we live with can sometimes be a frustrating thing. That pesky pimple that surfaces or that little dry patch on your cheek or... Read More

  • Goodbye LA, Bon Jour Paris!

    My boyfriend, Jeff of 7 years and I just returned from a two week trip to Paris – my first time. I could barley sleep the night before because of my excitement. Our travel day... Read More